By Eliana Barriga Publisher and Managing Editor for The Retail Observer ![]() “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.” This is probably one of the most memorable quotes from German philosopher Nietzsche, as it reflects the human condition and motivates us to become resilient. This quote inspires me — the harnessing of potential in the face of adversity. Challenges help us to identify our wants from our needs, which initiates creativity and innovation, and inspiring solutions — which is how we have gotten everything we take for granted today from our food, homes, medicine, movies to technology. Necessity truly is the mother of invention. It helps us to redefine all that we do and inspires us to come up with new and creative solutions to revitalize the underperforming aspects of our lives and businesses. We are currently enduring a global crisis as a nation, which has affected us all in many different ways as individuals, families and business owners. Not one of us, or our company or organization can ever anticipate every possible crisis to come. And when crisis is here, instead of standing idly and waiting for someone else to decide our future, we need to develop strength through goodwill and ingenuity, which lasts and helps us emerge from crisis stronger. Getting back on track demonstrates our organizational resilience. Then there is Nietzsche’s other quote, “He who has a strong enough why can conquer almost any how.” One concentration camp victim and survivor of the Holocaust lived to tell the world how holding on to a future possibility by having a strong enough “why” made all the difference in his life. His “why” was much bigger than himself, and he decided “not to die,” becoming much stronger for it. The mind is so strong that it can weaken or strengthen us. Survival, and strengthening our place in life, is completely up to us. Developing an inner strength is what’s responsible for producing an outer source of strength, and that outer source of strength is what keeps us from becoming defeated. This is reflected in our businesses — right now it’s “do or die” time. That means doing something different than you’ve been doing in the past. Create a positive picture of the future in order to stay alive. So, like in all life’s challenges, what does not kill us makes us stronger, and this can be applied to you and your business. Here’s to becoming stronger! Eliana Barriga [email protected]
By Moe Lastfogel Director of Sales and Marketing for The Retail Observer ![]() Think about marketing your business as a whole Holistic marketing is a marketing strategy developed by thinking about the business as a whole. When using a holistic marketing strategy, every aspect of the business must be carefully considered. The company must think about how a consumer will interact with its product, its website, its advertising materials, and everything else. WHAT IS HOLISTIC MARKETING? Let’s say you are in the business of selling bread. Do you market the benefits of the whole loaf, or the benefits of the slice? • If you market a slice, what affect does that have on the whole loaf? • Do your clients and customers want a loaf or just a slice or two? • How do you know who your clients are? • How do you know what your clients want? • Where will you find your ideal clients and customers? • What is your loaf made from? • What else can you make from the same ingredients to benefit your clients and customers? • How do you know that your clients and customers would not benefit from other products? Not only do you need to communicate with your clients and customers, you need to do so in a way that can benefit them, you and your business. By sending your clients, customers and prospects valuable and useful information via email marketing, web, social media, radio, TV or direct mail you can keep them updated and informed about a wide range of events happening in your business. Although this type of marketing is not a cheap option for some businesses, you can take a look at various marketing groups, local PR companies or even your local college business students to see what they can do to help you get the word out. The more information you acquire to help you understand how to communicate with your clients and customers, the more you will improve your holistic marketing efforts. Happy Retailing, Moe Lastfogel [email protected] |
December 2021