By Moe Lastfogel Director of Sales and Marketing for The Retail Observer ![]() Congratulations, you’ve made it through another year — 2019 is almost upon us. How was your 2018? Did you meet your goals? What are you planning for next year? What products or services are you thinking about for 2019? To help you through the upcoming year, The Retail Observer will continue to bring you our best up-to- date coverage of the industry as we see it. With so many opportunities for education through trade shows and associations, we have chosen to take a more in-depth view of International, National and Regional shows and events to keep you current about the trends and product offerings to grow your business. Upcoming in Las Vegas in January is CES—the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. A high-level business event that touches all industries, its the place where business gets done; a platform for innovators of all sizes to build their brands. Every major technology company on the planet participates in CES in some way. Last year, over 180,000 attended with over 4500 exhibitors. Taking place at the end of January, Las Vegas Market is a unique business platform in the furnishings world that delivers a confluence of new opportunities as only this industry thought-leader can. Featuring an incredible breadth and depth of product offerings, it offers attendees easy access to nearly 4,000 world-class manufacturers and fresh new resources. Design Construction week comes a month later next year, held in February in Las Vegas. The Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS) is North America’s largest trade show dedicated to all aspects of kitchen and bath design. With the expansive show floor filled with the freshest designs from over 600 leading brands, it is a one-stop shop providing attendees and exhibitors the ultimate destination to network, exchange ideas and build their businesses. In June, the 2019 Builders’ Show will bring together more than 1,500 top manufacturers and suppliers from around the globe in 600,000 square feet of exhibit space, showcasing the latest and most in-demand products and services. We hope to see you at one or all of these great events. To see a schedule for 2019, go to And don’t forget to say “Hi!” if you see us! Happy New Year, Moe Lastfogel [email protected]
By Eliana Barriga Publisher and Managing Editor for The Retail Observer ![]() Living is giving, and people love to give because it feels good. Giving is an act of selflessness and dedication to the greater good. Basically—giving makes people happy! For many, giving has become not only a mission, but a family holiday tradition. Giving is a way to reconnect with our inner selves. By helping others, our perspective shifts and fills us with an abundant source of gratitude. Giving back is a wonderful practice that delivers joy to the giver—and benefit to the receiver. Giving back is a commitment I wish for my family to adopt and continue to pass down for generations to come. Through the transformative gift of giving, we also learn how to receive. It is important to let others do things for you. Sometimes receiving can be awkward or uncomfortable. Some people have a much easier time giving than receiving. A dear friend taught me how to receive. When I would deflect a compliment, he would say “Excuse me, but in my country we say ‘thank you’ when complimented.” So, maybe it's as good a time as any to open up to receive. Many people use organizations like The Giving Pledge ( or The Giving Circle (—a form of participatory philanthropy where groups of individuals donate their own money or time to a pooled fund and decide together where to donate to community projects. Giving circles can be small and informal, with a few people pooling their money and giving it to a chosen local charity or family in need; making charitable giving more rewarding and fun. Jason Marsh and Jill Suttie of the Greater Good Science Center, believe, “When we give to others, we don’t only make them feel closer to us; we also feel closer to them.” Being generous and kind encourages us to perceive others in a more positive light and fosters a sense of community, a feeling of interconnectedness. So, no matter if you have a lot or not very much; there is always someone who is more in need than you. Always try to give, even if it is just a little, especially this holiday season. Share the love—start giving! Eliana Barriga [email protected] |
December 2021