By Moe Lastfogel Director of Sales and Marketing for The Retail Observer ![]() So what is your definition of “green”? We are familiar with the Green Movement, green appliances and the greening of America. These are just a few of the many terms we hear in the media these days. I grew up with Kermit the Frog being green, Green Eggs and Ham and the Emerald City (also green). “Green” was a much easier concept to understand back then, before it took on the many forms and concepts we are exposed to today. I believe in living the green life at home and in the workplace environment. I recycle as much as I can, I telecommute and internet shop when at all possible. That’s considered green. I feel green is a way of thinking, being and doing that chooses to care for our earth and the preservation of the environment, not only for ourselves and our children, but for the generations to come. No matter what the product, the cause or the reason, more and more people and companies are adding green practices to what they do — green construction, green design and green living. It’s time to ask yourself where you stand on this issue. The question remains, how can you be green in ways within your own control? What can you do each day to make a difference? It’s not what you say but what you do and how you do it that matters. Making even a small change is better than nothing at all. I challenge all of you to just do it and become green, act green and live green in some aspect of your lives. The Retail Observer is one of the only green magazines in the Industry. We use post-consumer recycled paper, go through a monthly SFI Certified Chain of Custody process and special print heat processes with soy-based inks and special cut sizing to get these certifications that very few magazines use. This said there is still a way to be even greener, that would be to go digital. Our digital issue comes out the first of every month and allows you to take advantage of the links we provide and the video assets we offer. Another way to be greener would be to see how many people in your company receive the print issue and maybe cut down to one shared copy for all. This can be accomplished at So again, ask yourself the question, “What does green mean to me?” Happy Green Retailing, Moe Lastfogel [email protected]
By Eliana Barriga Publisher and Managing Editor for The Retail Observer ![]() Why do some of us find dealing with change such a challenge? I think it is just simply human nature. Change often knocks us off balance and sends a signal to our brain to start adjusting. Sometimes these adjustments feel uncomfortable, especially if major changes occur over long periods of time. Because our brain expects things to stay the same, we easily begin to judge change as a negative thing. However, as you look at the world around, you’ll notice that things are constantly moving and continually changing everywhere! We live in a world of perpetual change. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus coined it perfectly, “The only constant in life is change.” What if we started looking at things differently? What if we lived in a state of understanding that things will and do change, and then begin to trust the process that we can and will adjust as we need to? Instead of looking at change as extremely stressful and doing everything possible to avoid it (you know who you are), start by looking at change as a welcome part of your day-to-day life and embrace it. Eventually we might even get to the point where we look forward to it! The good news is science tells us that we can do just that! We can reprogram our brain and belief systems so that the adjustments that change brings no longer need to cause us undue stress. This is a good skill to have these days, with the rapidly changing current events that are happening in our world today. We need to keep our stress levels low and stable as we raise our joy levels up! So, next time you’re faced with change, instead of freaking out–trying to maintain and keep things the same, try embracing it and ask yourself "how can I adjust my reaction and benefit from this change?” Start by reimagining a positive outcome, and then actually take steps that move you in a new and different direction. You know, sometimes it’s just ok to end a chapter in life and start a fresh one. Trust yourself to allow change to be the catalyst for something new and wonderful in your life. Embrace the possibilities! Eliana Barriga [email protected] |
December 2021