By Moe Lastfogel Director of Sales and Marketing for The Retail Observer Happy Holidays to all of our readers, supporters and friends. This has been what seems to have been a great year for both retailer and manufacturer alike. As I have had the opportunity to speak with both as I travel from shows to buy fairs and to showrooms, I keep hearing the word “up”. Business is up, percentages are up, volume is up, customer counts are up and so on. This year, many if not all of the shows touted larger attendances than in years past. Design Construction Week had a huge draw with the combined shows this year. In 2016 at KBIS, we are sponsoring the new Outdoor Products Area which will showcase the latest in outdoor kitchen and living design trends, as well as display new outdoor products from more than 15 brands. Located in the South Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center, the pavilion will also offer expanded programming for attendees including panels and demonstrations. This category has blown “up” and is one you should seriously consider taking a look at and adding to your product mix. I’m looking forward to seeing the turnout for the event next year. As we, The Retail Observer, look forward to a new year we are also looking “up”. We plan to feature brand new manufacturers, shows and products to help you grow your business and keep you abreast of the latest in industry news. We are also looking to include plumbing, lighting and decorative hardware as well as the other categories we already showcase in our magazine. I’m looking forward to seeing many of you over the course of the 2016 show and buy fair season and I can’t wait to hear what tales you have to share of your business successes in 2015. Have a great holiday season and a prosperous New Year. Happy Retailing, Moe Lastfogel [email protected]
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By Eliana Barriga Publisher and Managing Editor for The Retail Observer I recently came back from an intensive 5 day defensive handgun training course out in the desert. Now, I know this may be a surprise for some of you who know me, and I am well aware that guns are an area of discord between many Americans right now. My decision to take this class was not about whether or not I may need to use a firearm one day, it was about educating myself in a defensive procedure, should the time ever come that I would need that knowledge. Many of us habitually go through life with no plan of action. So when those “what if” scenarios do arise—we are caught off guard, unprepared and afraid. This only keeps us in reactive mode rather than a responsive one. How can we expect to grow if we are secretly living in fear? Fear for our health and personal safety, fear for the future of our children, fear for the survival of our businesses? The list can go on and on... The first step is to acknowledge that there is an area in your life that doesn’t feel right. An area that could use your attention, and a plan of action. I can tell you that life is a whole lot better when you don’t hide from these areas of vulnerability. Because I chose to do something about my growing concerns for personal safety, I now have a sense of security that has left me with a feeling of empowerment and the courage to shine a light on all of the other areas of my life and business that need attention, with the determination to make a plan and do something about it. As we all ring in the New Year, I challenge you to live more honestly with yourselves, take the time to identify and remove what’s threatening your peace of mind, health, happiness, and growth in 2016. See you next year, Eliana Barriga [email protected] |
December 2021