By Moe Lastfogel Director of Sales and Marketing for The Retail Observer ![]() Well, another year is almost over. You have about three months left to make year-end sales quotas and meet VR levels. What will the economy do after the election is over? What new options and products, money savings devices, and money wasting schemes will appear? I don’t have a crystal ball — nor do I have the answer, sorry. However, here are some pointers that may help you pinch some pennies and catch up from a roller coaster year. • Drink water rather than soda. I haven't run a cost comparison between an ounce of Coca Cola and an ounce of filtered tap water, but I’m fairly confident that filtered tap water is infinitely cheaper and healthier too. • Work out at home versus at the gym. Being healthy can save you money, but exorbitant fees and inflexible contracts can make gyms a less desirable option than working out at home. Instead, use that money to build a gym at home with previously owned equipment. Heck, you’re already moving boxes at your business, so who needs a gym? • Ask creditors to lower your interest rate. Creditors are feeling the crunch and recognize that it takes more money to find a new customer than to retain a current one. Your creditors might give you a lower rate if you tell them that you don’t want to keep your account unless the rate is lower. • Don’t pay for banking privileges. There are too many free checking accounts out there to pay even one penny in fees for the right to write a check or use a debit card. Many banks and credit unions only require that you use direct deposit or use your debit card a minimum number of times per month to qualify for fee-free accounts. • Adjust your W-4 at work. The fastest way to give yourself a raise is to increase the number of exemptions on your W-4 form to reduce the amount your employer withholds from your paycheck. If you received a huge refund this year, check the IRS website to calculate the number of exemptions you need to reduce the amount of money withheld from your paycheck to an amount equal to your tax liability. • Quit smoking. Besides being an incredibly unhealthy habit, smoking is expensive! Many pack-a-day smokers could easily trim $200 from their monthly budget by kicking the habit. That’s $2,400 a year! If you can’t find any other motivation to quit, use finances. Happy Retailing, Moe Lastfogel [email protected]
By Eliana Barriga Publisher and Managing Editor for The Retail Observer ![]() With November just around the corner, we are approaching what may be the single most important election of our lifetime. 2020 has indeed brought with it many tests and challenges. We have endured a year of challenges and fear and are currently witnessing the dismantling of our nation from within. A rigorous dismantling of morals, values, and principles is at play, as well as a great division amongst friends and loved ones over political points of view. Let us be reminded that The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the United States. Empowered with the sovereign authority of the people by the framers and the consent of the legislatures of the states, it is the source of all government powers, and also provides important limitations on the government that protect the fundamental rights of United States citizens. “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” May we never forget the men and women who gave their lives so that we might be free. Let us follow the path of righteousness and let us always be a generous and morally and ethically upright nation. May we as a people, remove corruptness, ignorance, and hatred from our hearts, healing our thoughts and actions, to embrace all who cross our path. May those in governing positions be guided by truth, using sound judgement to make good decisions. May we as a nation uphold our constitutional law, protecting us from our enemies and lift us to a state of power to do good in the world, as the leaders of a nation of peace that we are meant to be. It is my wish for us to be the light of the world, bestowing the great spirit of courage and strength upon humankind to all the corners of the earth. Let us join in celebration, people from every tribe, tongue, and nation — to live our lives sovereign and free. These things I pray as we stand victorious, declaring truth and understanding for all of humanity upon this earth we call home. God bless our country and her people. Watch over us and guide us to pursue liberty, justice, and equality for all. Let Freedom Ring! Eliana Barriga [email protected] |
December 2021